Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Job 34:3 For the ear trieth words, as the mouth tasteth meat.

Job 34:3 For the ear trieth words, as the mouth tasteth meat.

Not everything we eat is good for us. Even though it might taste good.

We could eat a big pan of tres leches cake and though it would be very yummy it would not be the best thing for our bodies. To much sweets can cause a problem now and in the future.

If you eat a jar of pickles it can cause problems because of the high acidic concentrate. This can interact with you stomach acids.

Too much bitter foods will cause stomach problems.

Too much can cause heart problems.

Savory taste...too much makes food boring.

Healthy diet
Is a well balance of all the foods...in moderation.

When is comes to what we want to hear I would say sweet is probably at the top of our list. If that is all we ever hear it will cause problems now and in the future.  Of course it isn't good to listen to someone who is always bitter or sour. I really feel that someone who only has savory of the meat to feed you isn't balanced either. So what we need is a healthy diet of it all.

When I was a bus captain in Ohio one of the bus girls came to me one day and asked me a question. She told me that she had committed to doing this play at school but she would have to miss a Wednesday night service to do so. I didn't ask her any questions I just said well you want to be a person of your word, I was a fairly new Christian. Come to find out she had already asked our bus director and his wife...she didn't like their answer and was going to keep asking people until she got the answer she wanted. Also had I had more info...it was a musical with bad songs and dancing.

As we hear the Word or Godly counsel, it is like meat in our mouth....we taste it to see if we like it. If we don't like it we spit it out. Sometimes we listen to ungodly counsel and it's what we want so we eat it anyways or listen to it...and it proves to be bad for us...making us sick.

It is like this verse we keep looking for what we want to hear. We really just need to listen to the Lord... Oh taste and see that the Lord is good. PS. 34:8a

Friday, June 7, 2013

For all things are for your sakes, II Cor. 4:15

II Cor. 4:15 For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God.

We go through so much in our lives and we don't understand why, for what purpose. We look at situations and say "okay, now what"? When really it is about others. It was about others for Christ. He didn't die for Himself. He died for others. He also lived for others, for us. What more could we do for Him. He saw that it was important to not only die for us but to show us how to live. If salvation was all it was about then the Bible would be mighty thin. Things that happen to us, God uses for His honor if we allow it. I had the opportunity to speak with a gentleman today. He came over to take a look at what we are getting rid of, it is like a “pre-estate” sale. Anyhow, I was able to talk to him about the Lord and found out that he was already saved. He had gotten away from the Lord and was battling with the things of this world. There is not one person that is above reproach in this life. Boy, but when we see Jesus we won't ever worry about failing Him again. I love the boldness that the Holy Spirit gives us when we surrender to it. It always amazes me how the Lord uses His Word through us. I don't know how many times I have said, “I was just reading this verse in the Bible...” and it would relate to the person I am talking to.

For all things are for your sakes (He uses it and blesses us for it)

that the abundant GRACE (Gods Riches At Christ Expense)

might through the thanksgiving (the expression of gratitude)

of many redound (contribute greatly to a persons credit)

to the Glory of God (Heaven)

I love sharing God's Word!

We always talk about Jesus died for us...but let's not forget He first lived for us.