9-6-13 While we were raising our children, one thing we
wanted them to realize was that we were never going to let them
play us against each other or come between us. We took that to the
pew at church. We would never sit the kids between us. We just wanted
them to see us as a force undivided. Speaking about church and
sitting in the pew....
If you are looking for ways to help your child pay
attention during preaching:
First try to position them so they can see the pastor. It is hard
to listen when you are looking at the back of someone's head.
Second give them a paper and pen and have them make hash marks
(vertical lines). Find a word that is being used most in the
service...every time they hear that word have them mark on the paper.
In the beginning you could just use Lord or Jesus. If you hear the
pastor say the word and they don't mark it nudge them to remind them.
You will find that they will be listening for the word and in turn
listening to the sermon.
Third We never let our children play or color during
preaching...this would just be a habit that would need to be broken
later...and they don't play or color while watching a movie...so they
can sit and learn to listen to the pastor.
Fourth If they have a question for you about the sermon (one of mine wanted to know in the middle of preaching what circumcision meant) have them
write the topic down or if they can whisper it you can write the
topic down to help remind them later...The devil used to distract me
with all sorts of things...water bill coming due...we need milk...I
need to call the school...I would catch myself trying not to forget
the needed thing and then my mind would go to what else I needed to
do. I combat that by writing in the margin of my notes the
subject...water bill...milk...school...once I did this then I could
go right back to paying attention to the sermon. Satan will use
anything to keep us and our children from hearing what the Lord has
given His man of God.
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