Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The B-i-b-l-e

9-7-13 When will a child learn how to treat his Bible? First off they are learning from the womb. I know of  several mom's who read to their babies while pregnant. They are learning now. Every class time we go over the Word of God:

Q: What is this? (holding up the Word) A: The Bible

Q: Who wrote the Bible? (pointing to Heaven) A: God did

Q: Who did He write it to? (pointing to them and then myself) A: To you and to me

Q: The Bible talks about God's son Jesus, and He died on the? A: Cross

Q: So we could go where someday? A: Heaven

Q: Should we...color in our Bibles? A: No

Q: Should we...tear the pages out of our Bibles? A: No

Q: Should we...put out Bible in the dirt? A: No

Q: Should we love our Bibles? A: Yes

Q: Should we look at our Bibles? A: Yes then I add everyday

It mix these Bible treatment questions up and add in new ones to see if they are really thinking about Q: If I ate pizza last night and have some on my hands...should I touch my Bible? A: No

Q: What should I do with my hands first? A: Wash them

We go over our memory verse. I know they are only 2 years old...but they can learn songs...if they can learn songs then they can learn verses. Repetition of any desired (or undesired) behavior is key.

We need to give our children the habit of looking at their Bibles everyday. Have them sit with it in their lap and practice turning the pages. Have them look at the words while you read Proverbs or Psalms. They do not have to sit with their Bible the whole time you have your quiet time. They just need to learn to get it, sit with it, and treat it right. I explain to them that one day they will start knowing what some of the words say. Make it exciting for them.

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