Thursday, April 18, 2013

I Corinthians 13:13 ...but the greatest of these is charity.

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

God has many times showed this to me...As undeserving as I am, He still loves me and in His love He shows it.

My husband is very deserving of my love...he is the best husband I ever could have been blessed with. Is he perfect....? Of course not...and I wouldn't want him if he was because it would just show how terrible I really am.

The Lord wants us to be a giving person with our love for people. To show our love for others without thought of self. To look at others the way Christ does.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Psalms 36:1b there is no fear of God before his eyes.

Ps 36:1 The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes.

People have always done that which is right in their own eyes. Proverb 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

Do I have a fear of God? Is it evident in my life and my daily walk? Do I follow the commands that God gives us because I love Him, or fear Him? I know with my children that I wanted them to obey because of love...and when that failed then I needed to bring about the fear of mamma. So, I think I need to obey because I love Him and be afraid not to obey Him. It sort of goes hand in hand.

I want to obey the Lord in my role as a help meet to my husband. What we need to realize is that the Lord means business in this life He has given us and that He expect us to treat it the way He has set before us. I need help from Him to be the wife He wants for me to be so that I may bring honor to my husband everyday and not shame.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Contentious Soul that I am! Proverbs 21:19

Proverbs 21:19 It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman.

  1. An uncultivated, uninhabited, and inhospitable region.
  2. A neglected or abandoned area of a garden or town.
1. Given to angry debate
2. Quarrelsome
CONTENT, a. quiet; having a mind at peace; satisfied, so as not to oppose. 
CONTENT, v. To satisfy the mind; to make quiet, so as to stop complaint or opposition
I do not want my husband to prefer to spend time in the "wilderness". I want him to desire to come home. There was a time in my life where I fought all the time with him and my poor children. I just don't have the angriness (I know not really a word) in me anymore. I think it is because I am content. Amazing how that word is part of contentious but is the exact opposite.

Don't get me wrong, I will fight when there is a cause....against those that need fighting.


I rather enjoy spending loving time with my husband and family now. I want to be an encouragement to them...Lord knows the world tears at them all the day.

I  definitely DO NOT want my home to be a wilderness because of me.

Lord, help me today and everyday to be content...content with all you have done in our lives and to look forward to what you are going to do next. Let 'me' be a place that my husband wants to come home to. Please help me to never visit or invite my husband to join me in the wilderness again.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Proverbs 21:23 Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles.

Proverbs 21:23 "Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles." I like the period at the end of that statement. There is no argument over this point. This is one of the first things I have had to change in me. SHUT my mouth and BITE my tongue. Amazing how much more you hear when you're not talking. If you think about the tongue there are some very interesting things to learn. There are four common tastes that the tongue can detect. They are sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. A fifth taste, called umami, comes from tasting glutamate (present in MSG, used as a preservatives). The tongue has many nerves that help detect and transmit taste signals to the brain. Think before you speak...the best way to keep my tongue. All parts of the tongue can detect these four common tastes; the commonly described “taste map”of the tongue doesn’t really exist. So maybe no matter how you say something or how you mean it, it doesn't really make it any less sour or bitter.


Help me Lord to keep my mouth and tongue and not let Satan use it to hurt your work or the ministry that you have given us.
April and Mimi making "Pizza Puffs" Love cooking with her...
this picture because they are so yummy!!

In the beginning....

This is the beginning....

Well here goes something. What that is, I am not sure. I wanted to start this blog really for myself. If anyone stops by and takes a peek, I am okay with that. If someone wants to follow careful I might not always be headed the right way....but I try. Please do not look at my spelling and grammer to be perfect...I hated English in school...but I will try!! My plan for this space is to study the Word of God and post what I a help to me and in return, I hope it will be a help to my husband. My prayer is as I draw closer to the Lord, I will become a better help meet to him.

There are so many times in our lives that I have noticed a beginning...
1. beginning life
2. beginning school
3. beginning marriage and motherhood
4. beginning church and learning what it is all about
5. beginning answering His call
6. beginning our childrens beginnings in life
7. beginning our "just us" years
8. beginning being Mimi and Opa
9. beginning with what is next....and the excitement to see what the Lord has planned!!

For me it has been dark and sad, as well as great and glad. The first part of my life was more of the dark and sad. I look back now and see how it really has shaped me into who I am. Not blaming, just saying that I learned alot about life back then...and how I do not want to live it.

The great and glad has been since I found a saving grace that is like nothing else in the world. The Lord has saved my marriage, gave me a best friend to share this life with, blessed me through my children, has given me the wonderful joy of knowing my grand-children, and opened my eyes to His love and what He wants for our lives. I am SO excited at this next beginning...

Psalm 118:23 This is the LORD'S doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.